Place card CAMILLA 100x100mm
Here we present the place cards in the CAMILLA wedding series. The design is based on a minimalist font that creates a modern and simple expression. The card is printed on the paper quality Conqueror Laid in a thickness of 300 grams in the color tone "Brilliant white". This is a classic paper that has a slightly ribbed texture and a white neutral tone.
You can easily edit our design template and make the card more personal using the online design platform TEMPLETT. There is even a demonstration page so you can try it out before you buy (see link further down). When you have finished editing our design template, you send it to us and we will arrange the printing for you.
The place card measures 10x10cm and has a folded edge in the middle. The card can also be combined with other products in this series. Search for the word CAMILLA in our search field at the top of the website, and all products in the series will appear. We also have a selection of covers, envelopes, ribbons and seals that you can use to make your card even more personal.
DEMO LINK - Try for free before you buy!
Click on the link below and a new page will open in your browser:
https://templett.com/design/demo/StefanPapir/ 14256280
(Only works on laptop or desktop PC or MAC since Templett is not available for mobile or tablet).
How to proceed with a purchase:
- Select the quantity, add to the shopping cart and complete the transaction. M in minimum order is 12 cards. Then the number is increased by 6 and 6 pieces.
- After the purchase, you will receive an email within a few minutes with a link from Templett.com where you can access the design template.
- Click the link, create a profile, and start editing using the simple tools on the website. You can save and continue editing the design template at any time. The template is available one year after the date of purchase, and you can save as many drafts as you like.
- You can change the text, fonts, colors and position of the text. You can also upload a photo or monogram if you wish. You cannot change the size or orientation of the design template. To keep the file from getting too big, you can save a maximum of 36 pages at a time. If you need several variants of a design, you just save in several batches.
- When you have finished editing and are going to save the file that is important that you save it as a PDF file. And so it is important that you tick "Show bleed" and "Show trim marks" when you choose to download the PDF file. Then it will be easier for us to print and cut up your invitation.
- Then send us your saved PDF file to: papir@norwaydesigns.no , and we will take care of the printing. Once you have sent us the file, it is not possible to change anything, so check extra carefully for typographical errors and that all details are correct.
- Within 5-10 days we will press up your order. It then takes 2-4 working days by post before you receive it. We therefore recommend allowing 14 days from when you place the order until you receive it.
Feel free to ask us for help if you have any questions before placing an order!
The Right of Cancellation Act does not apply to products that have been ordered with customer customization. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the products you have purchased and this is due to factors under our control, then we will replace or refund your purchase in full. For factors beyond our control, such as incorrect text or spelling errors, we will do our best to find a solution.
Slik går du frem ved kjøp:
1. Velg antall, legg i handlekurven og fullfør handelen.
2. Etter kjøpet vil du først få en bestillingsbekreftelse fra oss. Deretter en annen epost med en link til siden hvor du får tilgang til designmalen på Canva.
3. Du vil bli sendt videre til Canva og der oppretter du en profil. Du kan velge en gratis versjon, men de tilbyr også mer avanserte abonnement (Canva Pro) hvis du ønsker flere valgmuligheter.
4. Start så redigeringen ved hjelp av verktøyene. Du kan endre tekst, fonter, farger og plassering på tekst. Du kan også laste opp bilde, illustrasjoner eller monogram hvis du ønsker dette. Du kan ikke endre størrelsen eller retningen på designmalen. Endringer lagres fortløpende og malen vil ligge i din profil i ett år. Har du flere prosjekter ligger de samlet i en mappe kalt "Prosjekter" på venstre side.
5. Når du har fullført redigeringen og skal laste ned filen er det VIKTIG at du lagrer den som en PDF-utskrift! Det er også viktig at du huker av for "beskjæringsmerker og utfall" når du velger å laste ned PDF-filen. Da får man best mulig kvalitet på print, og vi får kuttet opp din trykksak helt presist.
6. Send oss så din lagrede PDF-fil til post@stefanpapir.no og vi tar oss av printingen. Når du har sendt oss filen er det ikke mulig å endre på noe, så se ekstra nøye etter skrivefeil og at alle detaljer er korrekte!
7. Send oss så din lagrede PDF-fil til papir@norwaydesigns.no og vi tar oss av printingen. Når du har sendt oss filen er det ikke mulig å endre på noe, så se ekstra nøye etter skrivefeil og at alle detaljer er korrekte!
8. I løpet av 3-5 dager vil vi trykke opp din bestilling. Deretter tar det 2-5 virkedager med posten før du mottar den. Vi anbefaler derfor å beregne rundt 10 dager fra du gjorde bestillingen til du mottar den.
Spør oss gjerne om hjelp hvis du har noen spørsmål før du gjør en bestilling!
- Dimensions:100x100mm
- Materials:Conqueror Laid in thickness 300 grams
- Color:Brilliant White
The Right of Cancellation Act does not apply to products that have been ordered with customer customization. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the products you have purchased and this is due to factors under our control, then we will replace or refund your purchase in full. For factors beyond our control, such as incorrect text or spelling errors, we will do our best to find a solution.