Marisa Molin og Fragments of a king

03 Oct 2016Linn Ellevseth

Marisa Molin er en australsk gullsmed og kunstner. Hennes fokus er å oversette teksturer og fragmenter av det hun samler fra sine utallige turer langs kystlinjene der hun har bodd. Molin har nylig flyttet til Norge fra Tasmania hvor hun nå jobber med å utvikle sin Fragments-seire som nå inkluderer Fragments of Hardangerfjorden. 

F. 1980


FRAGMENTS OF KING AND FLINDERS - Paper Nautilus, Lace Coral & Driftwood. 

I walk shorelines and edges of islands. I walk where the water meets land. I walk. I document. I walk some more and I collect fragments that have been placed there by wind or tide. I take these lost and broken fragments back into my studio and I translate them into wearable objects.

Through a form of mapping, I create a collective conversation of an island, rather than a single textural focus which has no belonging. I have continued my investigation of what can be found and interpreted as fragments along coastlines of Tasmania, with King Island and Flinders Island being the focus of this collection. This sculptural series has developed from textures of The Paper Nautilus shell, lace coral and driftwood

Prod. av Marisa Molin - Foto: Mel De Ruyter

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